In a major crackdown on smuggling of illegal goods, Tripura police on Thursday arrested three persons. Police seized 30 kg of ganja from the Agartala Railway Station in a raid conducted after receiving specific inputs. It is learnt that the trio were allegedly planning to transport the illegal substance to Bihar. Meanwhile, Police sources have […]
7 years agoIn a fresh development to the hunger strike of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) students across the country, in response to the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) tasking a serious note of the agitation, the agitating students have temporarily called off the hunger strike but would continue to protest till their demands […]
7 years agoIn a shocking incident, a woman was allegedly gang raped in front of her husband by a group of 8-9 miscreants in Assam’s Nagaon district. The horrendous incident took place at Kampur Kakatigaon locality of Nagaon district. As per reports, the group of eight to nine youths tricked the couple to alight from a train. […]
7 years agoPrime Minister Narendra Modi arrived at Manipur University in Imphal and inaugurated the 105th session of the Indian Science Congress (ISC) titled “Reaching the unreached through Science and Technology” in Manipur University on Friday morning. Besides, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will also inaugurate the Luwangpokpa Multi-Sports Complex at Luwangshangbam, ST Girls Hostel of Liberal College […]
7 years agoThe Army is planning to go out against insurgent groups operating along the Assam-Arunachal Pradesh border, including the Indo-Myanmar border areas. The development comes after General Commanding officer of Spear Corps, Lt General Gopal R reviewed the security situation in Eastern Assam and South Arunachal Pradesh along with the Indo-Myanmar border. According to reports, Army […]
7 years agoThe Class XII Accountancy paper of CBSE was allegedly leaked this morning. The paper is said to be shared on whatsapp since last evening. The question paper reportedly matched set II of the CBSE’s Accountancy question paper. Meanwhile, CBSE board’s top panel conducted a review meeting to look into the matter and determine if the […]
7 years agoOver 200 students of the North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda and Homeopathy (NEIAH) in Shillong staged protest protest demanding hostel facilities in the institute. The students have boycotted classes demanding hostel facilities or a subsidy so as to enable them to afford accommodation outside the campus. The North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Homoeopathy is […]
7 years agoRituraj Tiwari, the primary assaulter of Dui Doji, the 1st year student of NIT-Agartala, was expelled by the disciplinary committee of the institute. Dui Doji, a first year civil engineering student was assaulted by his seniors including Tiwari. Over 15 to 20 students had beaten up Doji, who had suffered multiple injuries along with a […]
7 years agoKachurthal village of Hailakandi district in Assam has been witnessing unrest since February 27, when activists of MZP, an influencial Mizo students’ body crossed over to Assam and allegedly constructed illegal structures while setting ablaze residential houses in the area. The situation turned violent when Assam Police personnel demolished the structure’s built by the students’ […]
7 years agoFollowing an unexpected heavy snowfall near the high-altitude Sela Pass near Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh since Monday afternoon, nearly 680 people including locals and tourists got stranded in sub-zero temperatures, travelling in 320 vehicles. People were rescued by Army teams with massive operations continuing late into the night. Three rescue teams from the nearest base at […]
7 years ago