PM Modi took to X to congratulate the talented athletes for their "record-shattering performance" at the 10th Asia Pacific Deaf Games.
He also shared his old picture with PM Modi, where the two leaders were sharing a laugh while shaking hands.
Malaysia's Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim congratulated PM Modi for winning the third consecutive term.
State's Deputy Chief Minister, Chowna Mein too congratulated Gamno on her remarkable achievement.
After rain showed no signs of relenting and play did not look likely for the next hour the match was called off.
The duo will be representing India at the Championship under the aegis of the Board of Control for Armwrestling in India (BCAI)
The championships will begin from 7th to 9th September 2023 in Johor Bahru
A total of 79 people were at thecampsite when the landslide took place. Fire and Rescue Department in an update said that 23 had escaped the landslide unharmed
It’s a proud moment for Assam as Lakhimpur girl Dipti Chetry won the Tourism Ambassador Asia Pacific pageant this year in Malaysia.