#Northeast Live Digital Desk
Gujarat: Nine dead as bus collides with SUV in Navsari
Nine people were killed and several others were injured in a collision between a bus and a car in Navsari, Gujarat, early Saturday.“On the Ahmedabad-Mumbai highway, an accident took place between a bus and an SUV. A total of nine people have died and several people have got injured. The accident took place around 4 […]
2 years ago#Northeast Live Digital Desk
Bike Borne Assailants shoot Purabi Dairy Manager in Guwahati
Two bike-borne assailants opened fire at Ranjit Bora, an official of Purabi Dairy. The incident took place in Guwahati when Bora was at a ICICI bank to deposit money. Bora was rushed to the Guwahati Medical College and Hospital (GMCH).Bora was shot in broad daylight from close range by unidentified miscreants when he was at […]
2 years ago#Northeast Live Digital Desk
Youth killed over cigarette dispute in Assam’s Doomdooma
In a shocking incident, a youth in Assam’s Doomdooma has been killed over a cigarette. A student of Doomdooma’s Philobari Senior Secondary School was stabbed by a group of miscreants over a cigarette. The incident has been reported from Dumsi village, bordering Arunachal Pradesh. Reportedly, the deceased youth, identified as Raktim Nirmalya, was returning home […]
2 years ago