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First Published: 25th September, 2024 15:12 IST

The story of Gelephu Mindfulness City (GMC) is the story of creativity.

The future of Bhutan lies beyond the horizon.  But it is also true that what we cannot see, we cannot imagine or comprehend.  The story of Gelephu Mindfulness City (GMC) is the story of creativity. It is the story of a utopian dream.  As a visionary, His Majesty the King of Bhutan Jigme Kheshar Namgyal Wangchuck has this unique capacity to question the status quo and conceive ideas beyond the pale of conventional wisdom and imagination.  He believes in a positive outlook and has the ability to accomplish it.  The transformation of his ideas will provide the people of Bhutan an exceptional opportunity to leap into a grand future.  Nothing can be more powerful than an idea whose time has come.

And the time for Bhutan has come. Nothing was ever achieved without enthusiasm. We saw that fire burning in the heart of His Majesty when he took upon himself the task of protecting the citizenry from the ravages of Covid pandemic.  And now we are seeing it again in the creation of Mindfulness City.  The challenge is to transform the special administrative region of Gelephu Mindfuness City into a hub of economic activity without losing continuity with the unique culture and traditions of the land.  We do not doubt that in due course of time, the entire region will be transformed into a shining enclave of prosperity and well-being not only for Bhutan but also for the entire regions of Eastern Asiatic countries.  The minute details involved in the process are like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that has to be put together in a structured approach to create the final picture.   They have to have clearly defined goals that are realistic and a clearly defined road map that makes those goals achievable.  These goals are achievable only through perseverance and dedication.  It will require a mindset that is willing to embrace the challenges, learn from the failures and still persist despite those failures.  The persistent efforts of His Majesty the King and the diligence with which he has taken upon himself this gargantuan task is the best guarantee for its success. Turning dreams into reality is an arduous task that can never happen overnight.

So, what exactly is the mindfulness city?  That is the question which is on the minds of almost every one.  

Mindfulness City is an urban environment designed with the principles of mindfulness at its core. The concept integrates elements of urban planning, architecture, and community development to foster a space that promotes well-being, mental health, and sustainable living.  It describes the key elements of the mindfulness city as an urban entity with all the necessary infrastructures that promote harmony between man and nature. It will have green spaces with a series of well-planned and conveniently situated parks and greenery making nature accessible to all residents.  Provisions will have to be also made for walkways and cyclists. The housing sector will be based on the use of sustainable architectural plans based on the use of eco-friendly materials, incorporating designs that provide maximum light and ventilation.  His Majesty has assigned the difficult task of designing the Gelephu Mindfulness City to Bjarke Ingels, a world-renowned team of architects and you can now look forward to seeing the magic of their creations.  You will see a city spring to life, free from the moorings of the dreams taking a tangible form.

Social and community wellness is another important aspect of the mindfulness city.  It would create spaces for public gatherings and exchange of ideas, and create mindfulness centers with health and wellness facilities.  To give the final touch, the Gelephu Mindfulness City will also have environmental sustainability backed by renewable energy, resource management and pollution control.  It will create proper educational institutions which will focus on programs promoting eco-friendly practices and conservation of resources. The liberal use of technology and innovations will make life easier, traffic flow smoother and ensure proper energy distribution through a smart grid which is nowadays the lifeline of the digital world. And when all these elements are packaged with the tenets of Gross National Happiness then you would have created an environment unique and unparalleled in the history of mankind.

But is it possible to create such a city in a fast-paced world where we are constantly bombarded with distractions and demands? Is it not like finding a needle in a haystack? Are we chasing rainbows?

This is the challenge that makes the end results so rewarding and so satisfying.  The congenial atmosphere of mindfulness will help its residents to navigate through all the chaos surrounding them. Within its vast spaces, they will find peace and happiness with an equanimity of mind that will make the experience more enjoyable and life more rewarding.  It will help them to cope with the turbulences in life with greater resilience. It will combine the myriad benefits of mental, emotional and physical comfort and enthuse them with a supreme sense of happiness and well-being. 

The Gelephu Mindfulness City is a self-governing and self-sustaining entity covering almost about 2500 square kilometers which was created under a Royal Charter. It will have its own separate laws, its own currency, its own banking system along with its own educational and health services. It will have separate executive, legislative and judicial bodies that will ensure that the objectives of the mindfulness city are not compromised.  What it will not have are polluting industries, or criminal activities emanating from its soil. It will not have policies of segregation and discrimination based on race, religion or gender.  What it will not tolerate is any activity which will disturb the harmony between man and nature. Nor will it have activities that will be destructive to the ideals and concepts on for which it was created. It will not allow the problems to obscure the opportunities.  The pursuit of happiness is a universal longing of all human beings and the autonomous region was created to sustain it and not constrain it.

As soon as you step into the special administrative region of GMC, you will be smitten by the change in the ambience. You will savour the hospitality which is one of the parameters of Bhutanese culture. You will see the wildflowers come alive to spread their vibrant colours over the meadows. You will see them swaying gently in the breeze filled with their fragrance. It is a sight to behold. And then in the distance, you may see the peacocks dancing away in all their glory to the call of their mates, their shimmering feathers lighting up the forest.

Further down, you may come across the forest shrouded in the early morning mist, the air filled with the mellifluous sound of the birds and the chirping of a variety of sprightly coloured birds. And when you peer into the dark recesses of the verdant forest you may also spot a group of wild boars or hog deer grazing in the rich undergrowth.  You may even chance upon the Golden Langur, which according to the Bhutanese mythology, will bring you good luck.

The famous photographer and ornithologist of Bhutan, Mr. Yeshey Dorji, has discovered the presence of some of the most exotic birds including rare species of birds like the Steppe Eagle, Great Hornbill and the Great Slaty Woodpecker on these grounds. This is a veritable paradise for bird watchers. There is a good chance that you may also see a herd of wild elephants, no longer feeling threatened by the presence of human beings, living out their days peacefully in the vast forest nearby.

The success of the project will largely depend upon an environment where an economically vibrant society can thrive.  It will have to be primarily driven by strong banking and financial services. Eco-tourism and entertainment industries will provoke more ancillary industries generating employment and revenue for all those involved.  Emphasis will also be on developing precision industries with special focus on the IT sector and high value products like semiconductors and chips.  This is the vision of the future and for that, we will need international standard infrastructure.  Airports, roads, bridges and rail lines will be required to ensure improved connectivity.  Work has already started on the international airport which will be designed by some of the best engineers and architects in the field. If you have been through the disembarking zone of Thimphu airport you will feel as if you landed in an open air garden, the blue sky clearly visibly through the glass skylight. And as you proceed further, you will come across areas looking like mini museums highlighting the artifacts of Bhutan.  The luggage conveyor belt is in itself a work of art, going around a small man-made hillock with a replica of a Dzong perched at the top. The surrounding walls are peppered with photographs reflecting the infinite beauty of nature and the distinctive culture of this unique country. Hopefully, some of these features will be replicated in the International Airport of Gelephu. Economic and social services will have to be further developed, backed by world-class hospitals, schools and service centers. The sky is the limit and you can trust the planners to leave nothing to chance.  It is being designed to provide a more amiable and congenial atmosphere that would promote ingenuity and raise the economic and social activities to a level never seen before.  Outsiders who wish to contribute to these aspirations, will be required to pass through a set of rigorous criteria. They will be required to bring sufficient entrepreneurial skill and financial resources to make the remarkable changes that the leadership has envisioned for the country.  

From 1st to 3rd October, 2024, a galaxy of global elites consisting of business tycoons, Nobel Laureates, celebrities, financial wizards, thinkers and planners will be descending at Paro to highlight the changes that is about to transform the fortunes of this region.  Through their strategic intervention, the GMC is destined to become the nucleus of financial and economic activities connecting most of the major economies of the region.  As Titans of the business world they wield tremendous influence through their wealth, knowledge and networking capabilities. With their creative obsession and technical know-how, they will be able to fashion industries based on innovation and latest technologies.  And, let us not forget their capacity to absorb the inherent risks. Their participation in this project is bound to stimulate growth and open up opportunities for the next generation of Bhutanese.  Their financial might, combined with their vision and investments, will create a ripple effect that will uplift the communities of this  region, unlocking opportunities for sustainable growth and development.  GMC as envisioned by His Majesty the King, presents itself as an attractive proposition that would be difficult to deny.The other day, I met a man who had just returned from a tour of GMC. He was amazed to find that His Majesty, who was graciously pleased to conduct the tour, knew every inch of the territory and what it would ultimately look like. Bhutan is witnessing the transformational saga that is about to be written there. They are indeed, very fortunate to have these developments spearheaded by an agile and responsive leadership that has made innovation and resourcefulness the hallmark of this project. The outcome can never be in doubt.  



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